Privacy Policy
- APP 名稱(App Name): 索非亞導覽 Visit Sofia
- 更新日期(Update Date): 2021/06/30(62)
- 開發團隊(Development): Guide Plus Team/Taiwan
- 連絡方式(Contact): jenwenhuang.app@gmail.com
本文將說明本團隊所開發各種 App(以下簡稱 本APP軟體)的隱私權政策,請您詳細閱讀。本文將會不定期更新,您若繼續使用本 APP 軟體,即代表您同意相關此政策。
The page describes the privacy policy of the Apps developed by the team.
Please read carefully. The page might be updated any time.
If you continue to use the APP it means that you agree the policy.
About the Colllection of Personal information
當您使用 本APP軟體時,會蒐集或使用下列類別的個人資料:
The App might collect the personal information if you use the App.
- 透過本APP軟體或網站回報意見或問題時,此蒐集目的作為處理問題後,回覆您之用途,不會販賣給第三方使用
- 當使用搜尋功能時,所輸入的關鍵字內容。此部份是用來方便操作,並不紀錄。
- 當使用設定功能時,為個別使用者操作偏好。此部份是用來方便操作,並不紀錄關鍵字輸入情形。
- 當分享 本APP軟體提供的資料內容,請注意分享時之使用者資訊提供,尤其個人重要資訊,如電話、Email、信用卡號等。
- 查詢時所輸入的關鍵字
- 連結其他網頁時,可能衍生之輸入方式(如意見調查)
- App will collect the feedback from you. It should not be sold or pass others.
- App will not record the search keyword you input.
- Your preference of App will not be record.
- If you share any experience about using the App, please note the content you share,say email, telephone number...
- Any input will not recorded (uploaded to system)
- Any links invoked from the App, please check the privacy policy of the linked pages or services.
3rd party integration in developement
- 提供各平台之分享與連結功能,依其分享機制會連結第三方服務,如 Youtube、Facebook、Dropbox 或 LINE等。
- External link and integration to other system/service, please note their privacy policy.
Date Storage and Protection
- 本APP軟體為方便用戶使用與網路離線操作,並提供多項個人化偏好設定,都是儲存在手機的記憶體內,請您妥善保管手機。
- 另建議您在使用相關附加功能如分享等,不要盡量不涉及個人隱私資料,如身分證字號、信用卡號、生日等等,以減少手機遺失或遭駭客攻擊時的威脅。
- The App can be used in offline mode. Some setting and preference will be saved in mobile devices so please care your phones.
- Notice you that it is improper to fill your personal information when you share via the App.
Agreement about the collection , process of your personal information
You should understand and agree our privacy policy before you use this App.
We will not appear users' information to others except...
- 本團隊或本APP軟體將因法律規定、法院命令、行政調查或其他法律程序的要求而提供您的資料,惟在此情形下,該資料只會單純提供予調查單位,並受台灣或索菲亞市相關應適用法律的保護。
- 為了調查和防止非法活動、涉嫌詐欺、對人身安全有潛在威脅的狀況、對本團隊或本APP軟體服務條款的違反,或為了對上述情形採取應對措施。
- 本APP軟體或本團隊被其他公司收購或合併,我們有權利將您的個人資料移轉給該公司。如果發生這種情況,本APP軟體會在您的個人資料被移轉且將適用不同的隱私權政策前通知您。
- We might provide the user information only requested by the laws of local area.
- We might take action in order to avoid some illegal activities.
- We might transfer our rights to other company if the ownship is changed to the company.
Safe consideration about personal information
We promise any privacy will be cared even it is not possible to be 100% protected.
If any question about our policy please feel free to contact us at
Background Location Access Permission
This application will access the current location, which is only used to prompt nearby locations for navigation, and display the current location and the relative location of the scenic spot on the map.
It also provides navigation and supports real-world azimuth and distance guidance, even if the application is closed or not in use.
The result of access at this location will not be transmitted and used for other functions.
(C)2018-2020 隱私權政策 Privacy Policy
by Guide Plus Team,Taiwan